17.4.1. Malawi Aquariums


These are examples of Lake Malawi aquariums pulled off social media. Note that they are all heavily stocked. Heavy stocking is the key to keeping a good Lake Malawi aquarium.           

Lake Malawi Aquariums
Rift Valley Aquariums
African Cichlid Aquariums
Mbuna aquariums
Malawi Cichlid Aquarium
Haplachrome Aquariums
Peacocks in Aquariums
Lake Malawi Cichlids in Aquariums
Rift Valley Fish in Aquariums
Mixed Cichlid Aquariums
Mixed African Aquariums
Lake Malawi Aquariums
African cichlid tanks
Heavily stocked mbuna tanks

This illustrates that Lake Malawi cichlids do best with very heavy stocking. Very heavy stocking reduces aggression. These aquariums all had very good filtration. If they didn’t the water would have been milky and the photos not very good.

All these aquariums will give the fish police absolute fits of hysteria. LOL

Startpage Aquariumscience

Source: Aquariumscience.org – David Bogert

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