Aquarium Database

Our aquarium database is divided into different sections:

  • Plants contains an aquarium Plants Database – divided into front, middle and background plants and by Scientific name.
  • Showcase contains a database of sample aquariums where you can admire others’ aquariums.
  • Saltwater contains an Anemone Database, Cuttlefish Database, Crustacean Database, Shellfish Database, Seawater Fish Database, Sea Slug Database and Starfish Database. Each subdivided into Common and Scientific Names.
  • Zoetwater contains an Amphibian Database, Crustacean Database, Shellfish Database and a Freshwater Database. Each subdivided into Common and Scientific Names. Also subdivided by continent of origin.

If you are looking for articles about keeping and breeding fish and aquarium plants, you can look at our Blog. These articles are also listed at the bottom of each page sorted by topic!