Ambastaia nigrolineata
Ambastaia nigrolineata has a black stripe on both sides of the body and a black stripe across the back from the nose to the caudal fin. This stripe is dark brown in color. Ambastaia nigrolineata itself is yellowish in color. Other brown spots are possible. The fish grows to a maximum of 10 centimeters.
Synonym: Botia nigrolineata, Yasuhikotakia nigrolineata
The Aquarium
Ambastaia nigrolineata requires a large aquarium of at least 80 centimeters. Provide sufficient hiding places. Then the fish will also dare to look for food during the day. Shelters created by wood and rocks are highly appreciated. Make sure that the inlet and outlet of the filter are well protected so that the fish cannot hide in it. This can be dangerous for them. It is recommended to change the water regularly.
Water parameters
Temperature: 20-25 Celsius.
PH: 7-7,5
GH: 8-12
In nature, fish have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. Keeping fish at the minimum or maximum temperature for a long time is not always desirable and can shorten the average lifespan of the animals.
They are omnivores, live food or frozen food can be given as food, their preference is mosquito larvae. Dry food is also accepted. In any case, ensure a varied diet.
Ambastaia nigrolineata is a peaceful schooling fish and can be easily kept together with other peaceful fish. It is a schooling fish that feels comfortable in a group of 5 or more. This Botia is also mainly active at night, but if there are enough hiding places it will also look for food during the day. Therefore, make sure you have some subdued lighting. Then the fish will feel more at ease. If the fish feels threatened, it may dig into the bottom. It should not be kept together with other fish with long fins
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