Amphilophus amarillo

For most Amphilophus species a two meter aquarium is sufficient, but the Amarillo is best kept in an aquarium of 3 meters or more!


Amphilophus amarillo

Amphilophus amarillo is yellow with black transverse stripes across the body. Outside the breeding season, the yellow color is much less and the stripes are hardly visible. There is a bump on the head, hence the nickname bump head. The males have this fatty bump on their heads and also longer fins. This is how the sexes can be distinguished.

This fish grows quite large, up to 35 centimetres. In the wild, they stay around 20 centimetres.


If these fish are kept in a large enough aquarium, they are generally peaceful towards other fish. In the wild, they occur in loose groups outside the breeding season. In the aquarium, however, it is better to keep them in pairs. During the breeding season, these fish can become very aggressive because they strongly defend their territory.


Lake Xiloá, Nicaragua.

The Aquarium

Because these fish grow so large, an aquarium of at least 300 centimeters is needed. Preferably even larger. The tank should be furnished with driftwood and stones to create hiding places. Also, make sure there is enough swimming space. Coarse sand should be on the bottom so the fish can dig well, especially during the breeding season. It is therefore important that the plants and especially the decoration are well secured otherwise it could come loose or fall over.

Water parameters

Temperature: 25 degrees Celsius.
PH: 7-8.5
GH: 5-15


In the wild, the Amphilophus amarillo is a snail eater. In the aquarium, however, it will accept almost anything. You can feed it both frozen and live food such as mosquito larvae, krill, mysis and artemia. They will also accept flake food and spirulina.

Breeding Amphilophus amarillo

Breeding the Amphilophus amarillo is not very difficult. The eggs are laid in a hole or between rocks. The young are also cared for here. After about three days the eggs hatch and a week later the young swim around freely. The young are protected by their parents. If a young one gets too far out of the nest, it is quickly taken in the mouth by a parent and spat back into the school. The young can be raised with dust food or artemia-nauplii.




Copyright images

Door Zoofoto! – CC BY-SA 3.0

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Additional information





First described by

Jay Richard Stauffer Jr., Kenneth Robert McKaye


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour


Min. aquarium length in cm






Minimum length


Length maximum


Temperature minimum


Temperature maximum


pH minimum


pH maximum


GH minimum


GH max