Anablepsoides igneus
Anablepsoides igneus is a rather shy fish that can best be kept in a species aquarium. Wild caught specimens can be very aggressive, but aquarium bred specimens are not that difficult. The aquarium must be densely planted. Since they are very good jumpers, it is necessary to provide the aquarium with a lid. They should not be kept together with fish that are too small as they will end up as food.
Synonym: Rivulus igneus.
South America; French Guyana.
Live food should be given as food. Frozen and dry food are accepted as well.
Breeding Anablepsoides igneus
Breeding is fairly simple. The eggs are laid and fertilized in the soil (eg peat moss). The peat moss must be removed from the aquarium and gently squeezed. The peat must then be stored in a plastic bag. After 4 weeks, fresh water must be poured over the peat moss and the fry will hatch immediately. They can be raised with brine shrimp nauplii. They grow very quickly.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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