Anomalochromis thomasi

Anomalochromis thomasi is a peaceful cichlid from western Africa found in coastal rivers.


Anomalochromis thomasi

The sex distinction is difficult to see in Anomalochromis thomasi, even in adult specimens. The females are slightly smaller and more colored. Males can reach a maximum length of about 10 centimeters. The females generally remain somewhat smaller and grow to about 8 centimeters in length.

Synonyms: Paratilapia thomasi, Haplochromis thomasi, Hemichromis thomasi, Pelmatochromis thomasi. As you can see, this species has been renamed a few times. However, the character of Anomalochromis thomasi was so different that they created a separate family name for it. Anomalo = deviant Chromis = fish.


Originating from the coastal areas of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.

The Aquarium

These fish require an aquarium of at least 1 meter. Make the tank dark with dense plants and floating plants, driftwood and pebbles, and also ensure there is sufficient open swimming space. The colors of the fish stand out better with a dark bottom.

Water parameters

Temperature: 24-28 degrees Celsius.
pH: 6 – 7,5.
GH: 5-8

In nature, fish have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. Keeping fish at the minimum or maximum temperature for a long time is not always desirable and can shorten the average lifespan of the animals.


They are omnivores, both live food and frozen food can be given as food, vegatable food and dry food are also accepted.


It is a peaceful cichlid that is best kept as a pair. They can be kept together with schooling fish from the higher water layers, in tanks of 1 meter or more they can also be kept together with dwarf cichlids, for example Pelvicachromis species. They swim in the lower and middle water layers.


Breeding is quite simple, up to 500 eggs are laid and fertilized on a flat stone. When the eggs hatch, the young are transferred to nesting pits. Both parents have brood care, so the young are intensively monitored and cared for. The young can be raised with brine shrimp nauplii or finely ground dry food.



Coby – J. de Lange

Copyright images

Vadim Tslaf

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