Apistogramma eunotus
Apistogramma eunotus is a peaceful dwarf cichlid of which one male should be kept with several females. One female has a small territory and the male manages a larger territory with a number of smaller territories of the females. The aquarium must be densely planted. Sufficient free swimming space is essential. The aquarium should also be furnished with roots and stones to create sufficient hiding places. Apistogramma eunotus can be distinguished from other similar species by the large blue spot on their gill cover. This species was first described by Kullander in 1981.
South America; Brazil and Peru. They inhabit the Amazon basin and the tributaries of the Rio Ucayali, Rio Yavarí in Peru and Rio Japurá in Brazil. They inhabit both black and white and clear waters.
The food should mainly consist of small, live food in the form of cyclops, Daphnia and mosquito larvae.
Breeding Apistogramma eunotus
Breeding Apistogramma eunotus is fairly easy. 100 to 150 eggs are laid in a hole against the ceiling and fertilized. The female takes care of the brood while the male guards the large territory.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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