Apistogramma hippolytae
Apistogramma hippolytae is a medium sized dwarf cichlid, both males and females grow to about 7 centimeters. Apistogramma hippolytae is not very colorful, but has subtle colorations on the flanks and fins. Striking is the black spot that is positioned approximately in the middle of the body, above the narrow longitudinal stripe.
Widely distributed, the species has been described from individuals from Lago Manacapuru.
The aquarium
This shy species should be kept in a large aquarium with many conspecifics. The minimum size is 120cm, larger is definitely better in this case because more fish can be kept together. Provide many hiding places by means of stones and wood, in the wild this species is always found near a layer of leaves, so this should certainly not be missing.
Water parameters
A typical blackwater species.
Temperature: 21-29 degrees Celsius
PH: 4 -6
GH: 0-4
In nature, fish have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. Keeping fish at the minimum or maximum temperature for a long time is not always desirable and can shorten their average lifespan.
Apistogramma are naturally detritivorous, a layer of detritus on the bottom from which they filter their food is ideal. They also like small live food such as mosquito larvae, mysis, daphnia, cyclops, and artemia, as well as frozen food.
Apistogramma hippolytae is a shy species, so it is best to keep it in a group of 10-20 fish in a large aquarium. From this group, monogamous pairs are formed, and they stay together for a long time.
When a couple is formed, the courtship lasts for a few days, after which up to 250 eggs are laid within 1 to 2 hours. After 7-11 days, the young fish will swim freely. During the larval stage, the young are moved a lot, for this purpose higher hiding places are generally used. The first 3 months, the young grow up quickly, after half a year they are sexually mature and about 3 centimeters. After a year and a half, they are fully grown.
Copyright images
F. Ingemann Hansen – Akvariefotografen.com