Apistogramma mendezi
Apistogramma mendezi is a peaceful dwarf cichlid that is not easy to keep because it makes high demands on the water quality. The water should be soft and acid. A regular changing of the water with prepared water is necessary. Don’t keep this fish at too high temperatures for a long time. The temperature should be varied. The aquarium should be set up with driftwood, roots and stones that make caves and hiding places, and planted densely. A substrate of beach- or oak-leaves is appreciated.
This species was first described in 1994 by Römer.
South America; tributaries to Rio Negro in Brazil.
You should give them small live food such as Artemia or Cyclops. Detritus is eaten as well.
Breeding Apistogramma mendezi
Breeding Apistogramma mendezi is not easy. You need a well matching couple and a perfect waterquality (low Gh), otherwise they are not very productive. Males have a territory with several females. The eggs are laid and fertilized in a cave. The first 10 days the female cares for the fry. When the young fishes are swimming free the male cares for them for 3-6 weeks. The female is driven away. A few weeks later the male accepts her again in his neighbourhood.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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