Apistogramma nijsseni

Apistogramma nijsseni is one of the beautifully colored dwarf cichlids. Can be kept well in a community aquarium. They are a bit more difficult to breed.


Apistogramma nijsseni

Apistogramma nijsseni can reach a total length of about 9 centimeters. The female remains slightly smaller and does not grow larger than about 6 centimeters. It is a peaceful dwarf cichlid that can easily be kept together with others of its kind. They are territorial. They can be kept as a pair in an aquarium from 80 centimeters or in a group in a larger aquarium (from an aquarium length of 150 centimeters). Keep at least 3 males with an equal number of females for a good balance within the group.


Peru. This species was initially found in a small area in the Rio Ucayali between Jenaro Herrera and Colonia Angamos, but it is now thought to occur in a much larger area. The habitat consists of blackwater due to the large amount of vegetable waste. The humic acids darken the water. The water is therefore soft and acidic with a very low conductivity of 3 to 25 microsiemens and a pH around 5.5.

The Aquarium

The Apistogramma nijsseni requires an aquarium of at least 80 centimeters. Furnish the aquarium with dense vegetation, floating plants, driftwood, stones and half coconuts so that there are sufficient caves and hiding places. The bottom must consist of sand, it is advisable to change the water regularly.

Water parameters

Temperature: 24-30 degrees Celsius.
PH: 5,5-6,5
GH: 0-4

In nature, fish have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. Keeping fish at the minimum or maximum temperature for a long time is not always desirable and can shorten the average lifespan of the animals.


In the wild, Apistogramma detritus eats detritus, ideally this is also present in the aquarium. Small live food such as mosquito larvae, artemia, water fleas and daphnia can be given as food, dry food is hardly accepted. Provide sufficient variety.

Breeding Apistogramma nijsseni

Breeding Apistogramma nijsseni is quite difficult. The water must be very soft and acidic and the couple must be comfortable with each other. Consider a maximum conductivity of about 50 microsiemens. Pairing with this species is more difficult than with most other Apistogramma species. The eggs are deposited and fertilized in a cave, the female guards the clutch, the male defends the territory. A nest consists of about 60 to 70 young. The fry swim around freely after about a week and can be raised with brine shrimp nauplii.



Coby – Jelle Touwen

Copyright images

Bart Laurens

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Additional information





First described by

Sven O. Kullander


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour


Min. aquarium length in cm







Minimum length


Length maximum


Temperature minimum


Temperature maximum


pH minimum


pH maximum


GH max