Rio Negro, Northwestern Brazil.
Length 10 cm.
The Aquarium
Apistogramma paucisquamis requires an aquarium that is at least 1 meter in length. The tank should be decorated with dense plants, floating vegetation, driftwood, stones, and half coconuts to create plenty of caves and hiding places. The substrate should consist of sand. Regular water changes are recommended for optimal conditions.
Water parameters
Temperature: 23-25 Celsius.
PH: 5.5-6.5
GH: 5-8
For optimal feeding, it’s best to provide small live foods such as artemia, cyclops, and daphnia. Avoid offering tubifex or mosquito larvae. Apistogramma are naturally detritivorous, so having a layer of detritus at the bottom of their habitat is ideal, as they can filter their own food from it.
This dwarf cichlid is a sensitive species that can be challenging to care for. It is best to keep them in a group of at least three males, with approximately twice as many females as males in a tank that is at least 1.50 meters long. In smaller tanks, they should be kept in a harem setup, which consists of one male and several females. The females will establish their own territories within the male’s territory.
Apistogramma paucisquamis is one of the most challenging fish to breed. The water conditions must be very soft and acidic, with the appropriate temperature maintained. The female lays her eggs in a depression and fertilizes them. After about 10 days, the fry begin to swim freely and are cared for and protected by the female. This care can last an additional 3 to 6 weeks. In a larger aquarium, the fry may also receive care from the male, while the female may be chased away. The fry can be raised using artemia nauplii as food.
Copyright images
- F. Ingemann Hansen – Akvariefotografen.com