Río Yucao, Colombia; one of the rivers that flow into the Rio Meta.
The males of Apistogramma viejita can reach a length of about 7.5 centimeters, the females remain somewhat smaller at 6 centimeters. This is also one of the most beautiful dwarf cichlids and directly related to the Apistogramma macmasteri, only the Apisto viejita has more red coloring. The male is larger and has a very beautiful color pattern, the female has a gray color but in the breeding season she colors bright yellow with black spots. The male also has the black spots but these are less visible. Unfortunately, this fish is almost never offered in the trade, fish under this name are almost always A. macmasteri.
The Aquarium
For Apistogramma viejita an aquarium of at least 80 centimeters is needed, the aquarium is densely planted and furnished with driftwood and half coconuts so that hiding places are created. The bottom should consist of sand with possibly some leaf litter. Please note that these fish are not very resistant to pollution, so regularly change the water and check the water values for nitrite, nitrate and ammonium.
Water parameters
Temperature: 22-30 Celsius.
PH: 5,5-7,5
GH: 1-12
Small live food or frozen options can be provided, such as mosquito larvae, mysis shrimp, artemia, cyclops, and daphnia. Dry food is generally not well accepted. Apistogramma are naturally detritivorous, so having a layer of detritus on the bottom where they can filter their own food is ideal.
It is a peaceful dwarf cichlid that can be kept as a couple or in a harem, so 1 male with several females, they then all have their own territory. Better is in a larger tank of at least 1.50m with at least 3 males with twice as many females. They can be kept well in a community tank with for example a school of characins.
Breeding Apistogramma viejita is not so easy, the water must be very soft and acidic. They lay up to 100 eggs in a hole, after which the male defends the territory and the female takes care of the brood. The female will dig small brood holes in which she transfers the clutch. The young can be raised with artemia-nauplii.
Copyright images
Erik Bakker – Aqua-specials.nl