Aulonocara rostratum
Aulonocara rostratum generally inhabits the sandy plains of Lake Malawi. Aulonocara rostratum generally inhabits the sandy plains of Lake Malawi. During the mating season, pits are dug in the ground and territory is established. Some sturdy, well-anchored plants can be used for decoration at the edges and background of the aquarium. Good filtering and a regular large water change are necessary.
This species was officially described in 1935 by Trewavas.
Synonyms: Aulonocara rostrata, Aulonocara macrochir.
Lake Malawi, they live above the sandy bottom at depths greater than 20 meters.
Vigorous live food should be given as food. Frozen and dry food are accepted as well.
Breeding Aulonocara rostratum
The breeding of the Aulonocara rostratum is not that difficult. About a hundred eggs are deposited in spawning pits, taken by the female in the mouth, and fertilized by the male using the egg spot method. After 3 weeks, the young leave the mouth and can be fed immediately with normal rearing food.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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