Caquetaia myersi
Caquetaia myersi can reach a length of about 27 centimeters. These cichlids are pretty shy but can be aggressive to each other. They can be quite reserved towards other species so that they can be kept together with other large cichlids.
Synonyms: Petenia myersi, Caquetaia amploris.
Colombia, they occur in the Amazon basin, the Rio Putumayo and the Rio Napo
The aquarium
These fish require an aquarium of at least 2 meters. Decorate the tank with sturdy plants, stones and driftwood so that there are sufficient hiding places. It is recommended to change the water regularly.
Water parameters
Temperature: 24-27 degrees Celsius.
PH: 6,5-7
GH: 0-4
Solid live food or frozen food such as shrimp, mussels, pollock fillet and beef heart should be given as food.
Breeding Caquetaia myersi
Breeding Caquetaia myersi is quite easy if you have a well-matched pair. About 700 eggs are laid and fertilized on a flat stone. After 4 to 5 days the eggs hatch and the larvae are housed in breeding pits. After 5 days the young swim around freely, and both parents have brood care. The fry can be raised with brine shrimp nauplii.
Copyright images
Michael Negrini – Pisciculture d’Estalens (original website no longer available)
Jeff Rapps –
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