Congopanchax myersi – Hummingbird Lampeye

With a maximum length of about 2.5 centimetres, Congopanchax myersi or Hummingbird Lampeye is a nice little fish for the nano aquarium.

Congopanchax myersi – Hummingbird Lampeye

Congopanchax myersi was officially described by Poll in 1952. In Dutch they are also called Kolibri Killi, but it is not a killifish but a toothed carp. They belong to the family Poeciliidae. Their common name is Hummingbird Lampeye.

Synonyms: Aplocheilichthys myersi, Poropanchax myersi.


This small species can reach a maximum total length of about 2,5 centimetres (1 inch). When they feel comfortable they have a blue sheen on their flank. The eyes are blue. The belly, anal and caudal fins are yellowish in colour.

Congopanchax myersi is a somewhat shy species that is best kept in a school.


At first it was thought that this species only occurred around and in Malebo Pool. Nowadays it is known that Poropanchax myersi also occurs somewhat more upstream and downstream.

They inhabit the slow-flowing parts of the Congo River and the creeks and rivers that flow into it. They mainly live in shallow parts with many plants.

Catching these small fish is a challenge in itself. They are so small that they cannot be caught with normal nets.

Pollution threatens the habitat of this small fish. They are therefore on the IUCN Redlist.


The Congopanchax myersi diet consists mainly of live food. You can also feed them with, for example, micro-nematodes and brine shrimp. As long as it is small enough. Micro granules and crumbled dry food are also eaten.

The aquarium

Due to the small size of the Hummingbird Lampeye you can keep it in a small aquarium from about 40 centimetres. Decorate the aquarium with some fine-leaved plants or Java moss. The water may be soft and slightly more acidic with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Prefer not to keep the temperature too high, a temperature between 21 and 24 degrees Celsius is fine.

Breeding Congopanchax myersi – Hummingbird Lampeye

The males are constantly trying to persuade the females to lay eggs. These are attached to Java moss, wood or, for example, a spawning mop with sticky filaments. The eggs are very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, oxygen and water quality. If you want to raise the fry, you can collect the eggs and hatch them separately from the parents.

To do this, place the spawning mop or pieces of Java moss in a separate aquarium. Use a heater and an air stone for the breeding tank. The eggs hatch after about 6 to 12 days, depending on the temperature. For some reason, this always happens at night.

The eggs are very small and because of this, the newly hatched Hummingbird Lampeyes are also small. You can feed them for the first period with the smallest live food (infusion) and liquid ready-to-eat products. After two weeks you can switch to micro worms and vinegar eels. Only after three to four weeks they are big enough to eat freshly hatched brine shrimp. So they grow very slowly. After three months, they are around one centimetre long. After six months Congopanchax myersi is ready to reproduce itself again.


Congopanchax myersi is a nice little fish that is suitable for the smaller aquarium. Make sure you have a properly decorated aquarium to keep them healthy. They are not often offered in the store because they are on the red list as endangered. In addition, breeding is difficult and has a lot of losses. Commercially therefore not very interesting to breed with.



John Stel – John de Lange

Copyright images

John Stel


Additional information








Aplocheilichthys myersi, Poropanchax myersi

Common name

Hummingbird Lampeye


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour


Min. aquarium length in cm







Minimum length


Length maximum


Temperature minimum


Temperature maximum


pH minimum


pH maximum


GH minimum


GH max



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