Copadichromis borleyi – Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin

Copadichromis borleyi Red Kadango, one of the least aggressive Malawi. With its red color a striking variety!


Copadichromis borleyi – Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin

Copadichromis borleyi was officially described by Iles in 1960. The name Copadichromis can be broken down into two parts. Kopadi comes from ancient Greek and means school (fish). Chromis means color in ancient Greek but in this context it is a reference to cichlids. Borleyi is in honor of H. John H. Borley. He was the director of the Nyassaland Game Fish and Tsetse Control Department. He also participated in the study of fish in Lake Malawi from December 1938 to July 1939 with Ethelwynn Trewavas and Kate Ricardo.

They are known by a variety of common names. Depending on the region but also on the variant that it may concern you can find: Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin, Haplochromis Borleyi, Haplochromis Red Kadango or Haplochromis Munnae.


Copadichromis borleyi can reach a length of about 12 to 15 centimeters in the wild. The maximum total length depends on the origin of the fish. They grow even bigger in the aquarium. This is because we give them more and more powerful food than they get in the wild. In the aquarium, the males can grow to about 20 centimeters in length. The females often remain somewhat smaller with a maximum length of about 16 centimeters.

One of the most kept variants is Copadichromis borleyi Red Kadango. A very beautiful fish with a blue head and a striking red color on its body.


Copadichromis borleyi can be found around the entire Lake Malawi.

Copadichromis borleyi - Boadzulu Island - Male and female
Copadichromis borleyi – Boadzulu Island – Male and female

The Aquarium

These fish require an aquarium of at least 1.50 meters. Decorate the tank with sand on the bottom and enough rocks so that many burrows and hiding places are created, they also like to dig burrows themselves in the sand. Also, provide plenty of swimming space and change the water regularly, as they are quite sensitive to nitrite.

Water parameters

Temperature: 24-26 degrees Celsius.
PH: 8
GH: 12-16


Both live food and frozen food can be given as food, such as white mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, krill, shrimp and mussels. Also, vegetable food such as spirulina can be given, also cichlid sticks, granulate and dry food.


In the lake, this fish lives in schools in shallow water above rocky outcrops. In the aquarium, the male is best kept with several females, because the males are very persistent when they want to mate. They can chase the females relentlessly. By providing several females, the male has to spread his energy over all of them. In general, it is a calm fish.

Breeding Copadichromis borleyi

Breeding Copadichromis borleyi is quite easy. A territory is formed above a rock, where 20 to 60 eggs are deposited and fertilized, and then taken in the mouth by the female. After about 3 weeks the fry are released, the female then has a few days of brood care. The fry can be raised with brine shrimp nauplii, rearing food or crushed dry food.



Coby – John de Lange

Copyright images

Pete Barnes

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Additional information






Cyrtocara borleyi, Haplochromis borleyi

Common name

Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin

First described by

Thomas Derrick Iles


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour





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Minimum length


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