Gastrodermus nijsseni – Nijssens Corydoras

Gastrodermus nijsseni are not very large, reaching a maximum length of 4.5 centimetres. Keep this schooling fish in a group of at least 10 pieces.


Gastrodermus nijsseni – Nijssens Corydoras

Gastrodermus nijsseni was described in 1989 by Sands. They are part of the family Callichthyidae or the armored catfish. This family is characterized by a lack of scales. Instead, they have two rows of bony plates under the skin that act as armor. The family has nine genera and over 200 species.

The scientific genus name Gastrodermus comes from the Greek dérma (Gr. δέρμα) which means stomach. A reference to the coracoid bones of G. elegans where, unlike many other former Corydoras congeners, the armor does not enclose the abdominal area but is covered by soft skin. This species is named after Dr. Han Nijssen. In the number system of the corydoras, they have been given the number C111.

Synonym: Corydoras nijsseni, Corydoras elegans nijsseni.


The color of Gastrodermus nijsseni is somewhat variable. A black mask runs over the eye with a yellowish light spot behind it. A black band runs over the back and flank that more or less continues downwards. Some specimens have a very light color on the flank, others (much) darker. The belly is whitish.

This is a small Gastrodermus species. They grow up to 4.5 centimeters long. The females are much more plump and larger than the males. Gastrodermus nijsseni males are somewhat more intensely colored than females and also have relatively larger fins.


Gastrodermus nijsseni comes from the Rio Negro basin.


In the wild, the diet of Gastrodermus nijsseni consists mainly of small meaty foods such as small worms and insects. In the aquarium, it is not a picky eater. Flake food, granulate, but especially frozen and live food are readily eaten. Just make sure that some food reaches the bottom.

The aquarium

An aquarium from 50 centimeters should be sufficient, provided there are not too many benthic fish. Keep Gastrodermus nijsseni in a group of at least 10 specimens. They feel much more comfortable in the company of many of their peers.

Set up the aquarium with (filter) sand on the bottom. With their barbels, they dig through the soil in search of something edible. Sharp sand or gravel is not suitable. Their beard threads can get damaged by accumulating dirt, sometimes they lose their beard threads due to infections when held over gravel or sharp sand.

The decoration of the aquarium can also consist of some plants and, for example, driftwood. They can then hide between the plants or the wood.

Keep the temperature between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius. The pH is preferably below 7.0 with a lower limit of 5.0.

Breeding Gastrodermus nijsseni

The breeding of Gastrodermus nijsseni takes place as with many other Gastrodermus and Corydoras species. They are a bit more difficult to breed than the easier varieties.

For best results, separate a group of Gastrodermus nijsseni with a ratio of two males to one female. Keep the temperature at 24 degrees Celsius. You don’t have to decorate the aquarium, but place some sand on the bottom and possibly a flower pot for some hiding places. Make sure the aquarium is properly aged.

Feed them well with live food for a few days. Now refresh the water for about 80% with fresh water and lower the temperature to about 18 degrees Celsius. This simulates the rainy season after which the fish will spawn in the wild.

The eggs are often deposited against the glass. Once the parents have finished spawning, it is best to remove them. They eat the eggs when they get the chance.

Raising the fry

The eggs hatch after three to four days. You can feed the very small larvae with micro worms after two days. When they have grown slightly, after about another five days, you can start feeding them newly hatched brine shrimp.

The young Gastrodermus nijsseni grow very quickly. They get the first colors within a few days. Within eight to 10 weeks they are already 2 to 2.5 centimetres long.



John de Lange

Copyright images

Hung-Jou Chen


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Additional information







Corydoras elegans nijsseni, Corydoras nijsseni

Common name

Nijssens Corydoras



Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour


Min. aquarium length in cm






Minimum length


Length maximum


Temperature minimum


Temperature maximum


pH minimum


pH maximum


GH minimum


GH max