Corydoras similis

Corydoras similis, a spotted golden-colored small corydoras species. Can be kept in a community aquarium.


Corydoras similis

Corydoras similis was described by Hieronimus in 1991. The genus name Corydoras consists of two parts: Cory means “helmet” and doras means “skin”. The name is a reference to the double row of bony plates under the skin on the flank of this genus. These bony plates act as a kind of armor, hence the common collective name for this group of fish: Armored Catfish. Due to the possession of the bony plates, they do not need any further protection, so they do not have scales. The species name similis comes from Latin and means ‘similar to’, this is a reference to the very similarly colored Corydoras ourastigma.


With a length of only 5 centimeters, this is one of the smaller Corydoras species. They have a golden colored body with dark colored spots on it. The rear body takes on an iridescent blue color.

The body is adapted to their way of foraging. They use their barbels to search the substrate for something edible. The abdomen is flattened so that they can lie on the bottom.


This schooling fish gets along well with other fish and bottom dwellers, you can keep them together in a group of 6 or more and they are ideal for a community tank. Do not keep together with cichlids. Corydoras are also useful fish, they keep the bottom of the aquarium nice and clean.


It is an omnivore with a preference for live food such as mosquito larvae, cylops and daphnia, also frozen food, food tablets or flakes.


Rio Madeira, Brazil.

The Aquarium

These fish require an aquarium of 60 centimeters. Furnish the aquarium with dense plants, driftwood or stones to create hiding places, and use a fine sandy bottom in which they can search for food.

Make sure that the water surface remains open, because they sometimes start breathing on the surface (intestinal breathing, they swallow the air and then squeeze it through the intestines).

Water parameters

Temperature: 22-27 degrees Celsius.
PH: 6,5-7,5
GH: 4-2

In nature, fish have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. Keeping fish at the minimum or maximum temperature for a long time is not always desirable and can shorten the average lifespan of the fish.

Breeding Corydoras similis

Use a breeding tank to breed Corydoras similis. The temperature of the water in the breeding tank may be around 24 degrees Celsius. Feed the parents well, preferably with live food such as black mosquito larvae. Place one or more females that appear fullest in the breeding tank. Add to that males at a ratio of two or more males to one female.

They lay between 40 and 80 eggs, the young hatch after about 3 days. You can raise them with newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. Change water regularly.

Transport of Corydoras
Many Corydoras species have a poisonous self-defense mechanism to prevent them from being eaten by larger fish. In case of danger, they can spread and lock the spines in their dorsal and pectoral fins. As a result, they get stuck in the mouth or throat of the attacker, so that another fish will not want to swallow a Corydoras. Even when catching a Corydoras with a net, they regularly hang in the net with these spines. Be careful when loosening, if the spine gets into your skin it can partially break off and remain in the skin. These wounds are painful and often become inflamed.

Besides the pointy spines some Corydoras species can release a toxin to the water when they are stressed or in danger. Transporting them in small amounts of water or too many Corydoras in a small space can lead to rapid death of fish. Just put a couple of Corydoras in a plastic bag but don’t add other species and make sure you give them some room. Not much research has been done to this toxin so its unclear whether the toxin is released from their spines or where their venom glands are located.



Coby – John de Lange

Copyright images

Andy Gordon

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Additional information





First described by

Harro Hieronimus


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour


Min. aquarium length in cm






Minimum length


Length maximum


Temperature minimum


Temperature maximum


pH minimum


pH maximum
