Epiplatys esekanus
Epiplatys esekanus is a peaceful, somewhat shy species that can be kept well with other peaceful fish. They are only quite aggressive towards other Epiplatys species. The aquarium should be planted densely because they need hiding places. A dark bottom and subdued lighting through floating plants are highly appreciated. The species is quite sensitive to pollution. A regular water change is therefore necessary.
This species was officially described by Scheel in 1968.
Small live food should be given as food. They especially like to eat small flies from the water surface.
Breeding Epiplatys esekanus
Breeding Epiplatys esekanus is not that easy. The eggs are laid and fertilized in a spawning mop. The eggs must be regularly removed and placed in a breeding dish with an antifungal agent. The eggs hatch after about 14 days. The fry should be fed with fine infusion for the first few days and later with Artemia nauplii. The young are very sensitive to pollution and grow slowly.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
Copyright images
Christophe Aubin – Flickr – Stofmania.com