Erethistes hara
Erethistes hara was described by Hamilton in 1822. They are often still known in the books under the old genus name Hara hara, just like its cousin Erethistes jerdoni (Hara jerdoni).
Erethistes hara is a peaceful fish that actually only becomes active at night. They can reach a total length of about 13 centimeters. The ground color is a dark brown with some lighter spots. Characteristic for this genus are the large pectoral fins. These stick out far. Six barbels are visible around the mouth.
Erethistes hara originates from Asia. They are found in Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar and Nepal. They inhabit the slow-flowing rivers and creeks.
Small, live food should be given as food. Dry food is also occasionally accepted.
The Aquarium
The aquarium should be densely planted and further furnished with driftwood to create hiding places. During the day it hides between plants and driftwood. The water must be properly filtered and aerated.
Erethistes hara are resistant to colder temperatures. In winter the temperature may drop slightly to about 13 degrees. In summer the temperature can rise to about 28 degrees Celsius. The temperatures indicated above depend on the location of the fish. It is best not to keep them at extreme temperatures for too long.
Breeding Erethistes hara
I have not been able to find anything about the breeding of Erethistes hara in the aquarium.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
John de Lange
Copyright image
Grégoire Germeau – CC BY-NC 3.0