Etheostoma spectabile – Orangethroat Darter
Etheostoma spectabile is a cold-water fish that can best be kept in a special aquarium for cold-water fish. The aquarium must be decorated with a sandy bottom and stones. Furthermore, a moderate planting to the sides and background. A weak current and good aeration are appreciated. Males are very aggressive towards congeners during the breeding season.
This species has already been described by Agassiz in 1854. There is only one synonym: Poecilichthys spectabilis.
Small live food must be given in the form of daphnia and insect larvae.
Breeding Etheostoma spectabile
Breeding of Etheostoma spectabile in the aquarium is not easy. The male sets up a territory around a cave. Up to 1000 eggs are laid in that cave. Since they eat their eggs, the parents must be removed after spawning. The young can be raised on Artemia nauplii.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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