Hemirhamphodon tengah – Tengah Halfbeak

Hemirhamphodon tengah is a peaceful half-beak that grows up to 6 cm and – like other half-beaks – inhabits the upper water layers. Lives in blackwater rivers and needs soft and acidic water.


Hemirhamphodon tengah – Tengah Halfbeak

Hemirhamphodon tengah was officially described in 1991 by Collette. The genus name Hemirhamphodon is derived from ancient Greek. Hemi means half, rhamphos means mouth, and odous means teeth. Freely translated: with teeth on the half mouth. The species name tengah is a reference to the Kalimantan tengah province in Borneo where this species comes from.


Unlike other halfbeaks, Hemirhamphodon tengah is only found in freshwater; and then also in very soft and acidic water. In the same habitat, you can also find, for example, Chocolate Gouramies and small Rasboras.


In the aquarium, Hemirhamphodon tengah should be fed with food that does not sink to the bottom. They do not eat food that is on the bottom. Flake, live, or frozen foods are fine. Live (wingless) fruit flies are extra attractive.

Breeding Hemirhamphodon tengah

Another difference with the other half-beaks is the way of reproduction. Hemirhampodon tengah is not viviparous. Reproduction is actually similar to killifish of the genus Aphyosemion. The eggs are deposited in Java moss, peat, or spawning mops.


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First described by

Bruce Baden Collette



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