Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha
The male Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha can grow to about 20 centimeters in length, while the female is slightly smaller, measuring around 17 centimeters. Males exhibit a vibrant blue color with a yellow or white edge on their dorsal fin and a reddish hue in their anal fin. In contrast, females have a more subdued gray-brown coloration.
The fish is somewhat shy but can hold its own in the aquarium. They prefer to hide among the plants, as they also use these areas, such as Vallisneria fields, for spawning in their natural habitat. They can be kept peacefully with other gentle species.
Synonym: Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus, tilapia oxyrhynchus
Lake Malawi, occurs throughout the lake.
The Aquarium
The minimum aquarium length for Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha is 180 centimeters. It is best to decorate with plenty of plants and some rocks.
Water parameters
Temperatuur: 23-25 Celsius.
PH: 7,5-8,5
GH: 12-16
In the lake, they consume the algae that grows on vallisneria. In the aquarium, spirulina should always be included in the menu. You can alternate it with artemia, mysis, krill, and granules.
Breeding Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha
The males build a nest between the plants on a cleared spot. The females are lured to the nest where they hide between the plants after mating.
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