Homaloptera parclitella
Homaloptera parclitella is one of the most beautiful River Loaches with its leopard-like spotting pattern and their elegant physique. They grow up to 8 centimeters (10 centimeters total length) and can only be kept in strong flowing and oxygenated water.
The genus name Homaloptera comes from the Greek words Homalos and Petra, meaning flat and wing respectively. This is about the streamlined physique and large fins. This allows the fish to survive in fast flowing water. The species name parclitella refers to a riding saddle-like pattern of spots on the upper body. Homaloptera parclitella was recognized as a specific species in 2005 (described by Tang and Ng).
The females can be recognized by a slightly plumper physique.
Asia: The species is found in mountain streams in Malaysia and southern Thailand, mainly in forested areas.
Do not keep the species alone or as a pair, but in a group of at least 6 fish. They often hang together in the current. They can suck on the rocks to maintain themselves in the current. In addition, they often show off to each other, probably to confirm the ranking within the group. There is hardly any aggression
Homaloptera parclitella requires a strong current (think of 10 times the aquarium volume per hour) and oxygenated water. A typical hillstream biotope. Keep the water water temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius (pH: 6.5-7.5). The aquarium can be relatively shallow, even in nature Homaloptera has a preference for shallow areas. Plants are difficult to keep in these conditions, yet there are good experiences with Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balanceae . Since the food is found in the biofilm that grows on rocks, a lot of light is needed to grow it. Therefore, it is better not to put this fish in an aquarium that has not been standing for a long time. As in the habitat, the bottom can consist of worn rocks with hiding places.
Homaloptera species live largely on biofilm on the rocks, insect larvae and crustaceans. Live brine shrimp and mosquito larvae are excellent food. Frozen food is also accepted. Most can get used to dry food like granulate or flakes. However, regular feeding with live food and a good dose of biofilm is recommended for good health. Animals offered for sale are often very emaciated. It is then important to be able to offer sufficient suitable food and to have no food competitors in the aquarium.
There are no known breeding cases.
Patrick de Pijper
Copyright images
Nonn Panitvong – Siamensis.org