Hoplisoma trilineatum

Hoplisoma trilineatum is a small species of Hoplisoma that is frequently offered for sale. It is often confused with Hoplisoma julli.


Hoplisoma trilineatum

Hoplisoma trilineatum can grow to about 6 centimeters in length. The female is more robust, while the male tends to be slimmer. They display a beautiful light gray pattern on their bodies, with a black band edged in silver running along the side. Their tail fin is also spotted. Like all catfish, they have barbels and exhibit scaleless skin. The belly is flattened, which allows them to move easily along the bottom, and their eyes are positioned higher on their heads.


Rio Pastaza and Rio Ucayali, Peru, Ecuador, Amazon region.

The Aquarium

These fish require an aquarium of 60 centimetres. Decorate the tank with dense planting, driftwood or stones to create hiding places, use a fine sand bottom where they can dig around, so that they do not damage their barbels. Make sure that the water surface remains open, because they sometimes breathe at the surface (intestinal breathing, they swallow the air and then press it through the intestines).

Water parameters

Temperature: 22 – 26 Celsius.
PH: 6 – 7,5
GH: 5 – 8


It is an omnivore with a preference for live food such as mosquito larvae, cylops and daphnia, also frozen food, food tablets or flakes.


Hoplisoma trilineatum is a peaceful schooling fish and bottom dweller, which you can keep in a group of 6 or more, they are very suitable for a community aquarium. Do not keep together with larger cichlids.


Hoplisoma trilineatum are difficult to breed, you can stimulate the laying of eggs by changing the water with cooler water. The eggs are laid on the windows, leaves or stones. Loosen the eggs or transfer them to a breeding tank together with the substrate. Raise the young with newly hatched artemia or dry food. This species is also sometimes offered in the trade under the name Hoplisoma julii .

Transporting Corydoras

Many Hoplisoma species have a poisonous self-defense mechanism to avoid being eaten by larger fish. In case of danger, they can spread and lock the spines in their dorsal and pectoral fins. This causes them to get stuck in the mouth or throat of the attacker, which makes another fish think twice about swallowing a Hoplisoma. Also when catching a Hoplisoma with a net, they often get stuck in the net with these spines. Be careful when loosening, if the spine gets into your skin it can partially break off and remain in the skin. These wounds are painful and often become inflamed.

In addition to the pointed spines, a number of Hoplisoma species can release a toxin into the water when they are stressed or in danger. When transported in too little water or too many Hoplisoma in a small space, this can lead to rapid death among the fish. Therefore, preferably transport the Hoplisoma only with other Hoplisoma and not with too many in one bag. Because little research has been done on this venom, it is not clear whether this venom is spread from the gills or from the spines. It is thought that at least the Corydoras adolfoi, Corydoras arcuatus, Corydoras melini, Corydoras metae, Corydoras panda, Corydoras robineae, Corydoras rabauti, Corydoras atropersonatus, Corydoras sterbai and Corydoras trilineatus have this poison, but it is advisable to pay attention to the other species as well.



Copyright images

Andy Gordon – Twoofakind.info (original website no longer online)

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Additional information






Corydoras dubius, Corydoras episcopi, Corydoras trilineatus

First described by

Edward Drinker Cope


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour





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Minimum length


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pH maximum


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GH max