Hoplocharax goethei
Hoplocharax goethei looks like one of the tetra’s from the Hemigrammus group. They do belong to the Smallscale Pike Characins, closely related to the Characins. This specie has barracuda-like teeth. Because of the small size of this fish, the teeth are barely visible to the naked eye. They can only grow to 3 to 4 centimeters in total length.
This micro-predator can -despite its teeth- be easily combined with other small fish. Make sure to keep them in a school of at least 6 to 10 specimen. They mainly inhabit the middle water layers.
Amazone, Brazil. This fish isn’t offered often in the local fish stores. If they are offered they have been mostly bycatch of other species.
The Aquarium
Provide plenty of free swimming space for this schooling fish. Ad some cover by adding some plants or driftwood. As they inhabit the middle water layers, the substrate isn’t important and can be sand or gravel.
Temperature: 23-27 Celsius. pH: 6 – 7,5.
Hoplocharax goethei is a small predator and can be fed with smaller live or frozen foods like black mosquito larvae, fruit flies, artemia, daphnia etc. They will also accept flakes.
We couldn’t find reports about breeding Hoplocharax goethei.
Patrick de Pijper
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