Hypancistrus sp. – Angelicus Pleco – L004
As you can see from the incomplete name Hypancistrus sp., this species has not yet been officially described. In the L-number system they are included under multiple numbers. The color and markings are therefore somewhat variable. Hypancistrus sp. L004 can also be found as L005, L028 and L073. Angelicus Pleco or Portel Angelicus Pleco is also used as a common name.
For the complete list of L numbers and the explanation of the numbers, see the article: L-Numbers and LDA-numbers? The explanation!
The color of this species is variable and ranges from brown to deep black. The quantity and size of the dots is also variable. From many small dots to fewer larger dots. L004 can grow up to about 15 centimeters in length.
They are not aggressive as long as there is sufficient space and, most importantly, hiding places: at least one per specimen. Like all other species from the Hypancistrus genus, it is recommended to keep this species in a small group, because then a more natural behavior is displayed and they feel more comfortable.
However, if there is not enough space or there are too few shelters, fierce fights can break out, and they can certainly be injured!
South America:
L004/L005: Rio Tocantins near Cametá, Brazilië.
L028: Guamá near Ourém, Brazilië.
L073: Portel at the Rio Do Pará river, Pará, Brazilië.
A quick look at the teeth of this catfish reveals that we are dealing with a carnivore. This Pleco likes to feast on food such as shrimp, krill, mussels, pieces of raw fish, bloodworms and mosquito larvae and sinking food tablets for carnivores. Once acclimatized, this fish will often also consume vegetable food such as algae/catfish tablets. This species is completely unsuitable as an algae cleaner, due to its mainly carnivorous nature.
The Aquarium
This small catfish prefers a dimmed aquarium with plenty of hiding places, in the form of plants, driftwood, rocks, and/or artificial caves. To keep several specimens of this species, or to keep this species together with other bottom dwellers, an aquarium of 100x40cm is required, as the species can be quite territorial. If there is a lack of shelter, the Angelicus Pleco can behave quite aggressively towards other bottom dwellers. If it is the only bottom dweller in the aquarium, an aquarium of 80x35cm. is sufficient, but it does best in the company of a few conspecifics in its own aquarium.
This species does best in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6-7.5 and dH 2.0-15.0), richly oxygenated and with plenty of current. A strong filter is important, as this fish produces a lot of waste.
Breeding Angelicus Pleco L004
Ideal breeding conditions for the L004 include fast-flowing, warm water (28-30 degrees Celsius) with a high oxygen content. The latter can be achieved using a diffuser connected to a filter or flow pump (an extension of the outflow that adds air to the water), or by placing the outflow of one of the filters at surface level, so that the water surface is broken and exchange of gases can take place (CO2 is exchanged for oxygen). The aquarium should be equipped with artificial breeding caves (or something similar made of rocks/driftwood). The entrance must be provided with a strong current. The ideal distribution of sexes is 2 or 3 females per male.
Jonas Hansel – Piranha-info.com
John de Lange
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Jonas Hansel – Piranha-info.com