Hyphessobrycon axelrodi – Calypso Tetra
Hyphessobrycon axelrodi – Calypso Tetra is a peaceful, calm schooling fish that you can keep together with other peaceful fish. The aquarium should be planted densely because they need hiding places. The light should be dimmed. Use some floating plants as well to provide areas of shade. The substrate should be dark to bring out the colors of this fish. When there is too much light in the aquarium they get pale and shy.
Synonyms: Aphyocharax axelrodi, Megalamphodus axelrodi, Pristella axelrodi.
Central America; Trinidad Tobago.
Small live food should be given as food. Frozen and dry food are accepted as well.
Breeding Hyphessobrycon axelrodi
Since this species is not very commercially available, not much is known about breeding in the aquarium.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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