Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma – Bleeding Heart Tetra

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma or Bleeding Heart Tetra is an active and fun schooling fish that can give a true spectacle in your aquarium.


Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma – Bleeding Heart Tetra

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma or by their common name and easier-to-remember Bleading Heart Tetra is a peaceful schooling fish that can reach a length of 7 to 8 centimeters. They were first described by Fowler in 1943. Two synonyms are known: Hemigrammus erythrostigma and Hyphessobrycon rubrostigma

Hyphessobrycon can be broken down into two parts: brykon means something like biter or gnashing of teeth in Greek. Hyphesso is probably a mistranslation of a Greek word meaning a little smaller. Together, this probably formed the explanation: “little biter”.


Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma can be found in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. They inhabit the slow-flowing supply streams, rivers, and lakes that are fairly densely overgrown with aquatic plants, roots, branches, etc. The water is often shaded by overhanging branches of the rainforest. The bottom consists mostly of sand and the water is colored brown by the tannins in the decaying plant material.

The Aquarium

Because Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma grows relatively large for tetras and they have to be kept in a school, an aquarium of at least 80 centimeters wide is required.

They can be kept in a community aquarium provided there is sufficient swimming space and ample planting to hide among. The school of the blood spot tetra should consist of at least 5 to 6. If the group gets too small they languish or become aggressive towards other residents. To give the water a lower pH, you can filter over peat. This colors the water slightly darker so that the colors of Hyphessobrycon erytrostigma stand out better, a dark bottom also helps and has the advantage that the fish also feel more comfortable with this.

The difference between males and females can be seen mainly in the dorsal fin. This is greatly elongated in the male and can even reach behind the caudal fin. The females have a slightly thicker abdomen and remain slightly smaller. Both males and females have a blood-red spot where you would expect the heart. Hence the common name: Bleeding Heart Tetra. They also both have a black and white tip on their dorsal fin (their pirate flag) that sticks up clearly visible.


The Bleeding Heart Tetra is an omnivore. Dry food as well as frozen and live food are happily eaten. They do have a preference for small live food, especially fruit flies or other surface insects, which they like to eat from the surface. They first look at their prey quietly and then shoot up at great speed to grab their food.


The breeding of the Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma has not often been successful in captivity as the breeding conditions have to be really perfect. In a number of successful attempts, the male has been placed separately in an aquarium with many fine-leaved plants such as Myriophyllum, Cabomba, and some Java moss, there must also be some floating plants. Feed the male well with live foods such as black mosquito larvae and fruit flies. After a few days, insert the female. After the mating ritual, the eggs are sprinkled between the plants. Since the parents also eat the eggs after mating, it is best to remove them. The eggs hatch after 2 to 3 days and the fry swim freely a few days later. The fry can be fed with dust food and brine shrimp.


The Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma is very similar to two relatives: Hyphessobrycon socolofi and Hyphessobrycon pyrronhotus.



John de Lange

Copyright images

J. de Lange
Peter Maguire

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Additional information






Hemigrammus erythrostigma, Hyphessobrycon rubrostigma

Common name

Bleeding Heart Tetra

First described by

Henry Weed Fowler


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour





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