Hyphessobrycon socolofi – Spotfin Tetra
Hyphessobrycon socolofi is a peaceful schooling fish, of which at least 6 specimens should be kept. They are best kept together with peaceful bottom dwellers, dwarf cichlids, and other small characins. A dark substrate and a dimmed light by using floating plants bring out the colors of the fish. If you want to imitate the perfect black water stream habitat of the Rio Negro river you need a peat filter.
Brazil, Rio Negro.
The fish is omnivorous, but he prefers live food. Frozen and dry food is accepted as well.
Breeding Hyphessobrycon socolofi – Spotfin Tetra
Breeding is not difficult. You should feed them very well. At a temperature of 27°C (81°F) the eggs are laid and fertilized between fine-leaved plants. After spawning the parents should be removed. When the young fishes are swimming free you can raise them with baby brine shrimp
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
Jennifer O. Reynolds
HJ Chen