Ladigesia roloffi
Ladigesia roloffi is a tetra species that is endemic to the Kasewe Forest in Sierra Leone. Also, a population in Liberia is known. The species is listed as an endangered species because of the loss of natural habitat. It is said that 97% of its natural habitat had been lost.
Ladigesia roloffi is a small (maximum 31 mm) tetra. It should be kept in a group of a minimum 8-10 specimens. It is easy to care for and the fish are attractive. Larger specimens develop bright colour orange to red fins.
The Aquarium
Needs an aquarium with densely planted areas and tempered lighting (consider floating plants). A dark bottom and some current in areas are appreciated. Soft and somewhat acid water is necessary. Ladigesia roloffi is sensitive to fluctuations in water quality and should not be kept in a relatively new aquarium that is not settled yet. The small size makes this species not suitable for most community tanks.
Tank mates
If sticking to the natural habitat is important for you if it comes to choosing tankmates, these other species from Kasawe Forest are an option: Epiplatys annulatus, Scriptaphyosemion chaytori, Pelvicachromis humilis, Mochokiella paynei en Notoglanidium thomasi
All small live or dried food for aquarium fish will be accepted.
Breeding Ladigesia roloffi – Jelly Bean Tetra
Reproduction of Ladigesia roloffi in the aquarium is difficult but possible. Very soft and acid water is necessary. The eggs are laid and fertilized nearby the bottom and between highly feathered vegetation. The highest number of young fish can be raised by placing a net at the bottom and removing the parents. De young are very sensitive to changes in water parameters, best is to postpone all water changes for several weeks. The small young need the smallest sized food that is available. Chances are best if the aquarium is settled for a long time with a higher density of micro-organisms. The microorganism can be added by squeezing flaps of algae.
P. de Pijper
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P. de Pijper