Lepidarchus adonis – Jellybean Tetra
Lepidarchus adonis or Jellybean Tetra is a small, peaceful schooling fish that can be kept together with other small fishes in a very small aquarium. The aquarium should be planted densely. A dimmed light by using floating plants is appreciated. Because they have very high demands on water conditions (very soft and acid) it is not suitable for beginners.
Lepidarchus adonis has been described officially in 1966 by Roberts.
Synoniem: Lepidarchus adonis signifer.
You should give them small live food such as baby brine shrimp. Fine crushed dry food is accepted as well.
Breeding Lepidarchus adonis – Jellybean Tetra
When you have the right water conditions breeding Lepidarchus adonis – Jellybean Tetra is relatively easy. The water should be very soft (<2Gh). They are not very productive. 20-30 eggs are laid and fertilized between fine leaved plants like Java Moss. After spawning the parents should be removed and the breeding aquarium should be darkened. After 36 hours the eggs hatch, and after a week the young fishes are swimming free. You can feed them with very small infusoria. The aquarium should stay dark except the feeding place.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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