Mastacembelus albomaculatus
Mastacembelus albomaculatus can be found throughout the lake, where they seek shelter in holes and crevices among the rocks.
To provide a suitable home for the beautiful eel, the aquarium must include sufficient hiding places created by rock formations. The Mastacembelus albomaculatus thrives best when kept either alone or in groups of at least six specimens. If you wish to keep a group of at least six Mastacembelus albomaculatus, your aquarium should be a minimum of 140 cm wide and hold at least 300 liters of water. The ideal water conditions for the Mastacembelus albomaculatus are a pH of 8.5 to 9.0 and a kH of 8.0 to 14.
Afromastacembelus albomaculatus, Caecomastacembelus albomaculatus
22 cm – 22 cm
120 cm – 240 liter
The diet of these fish in the wild is diverse; they primarily consume young fish, eggs, insects, larvae, earthworms, and more. In an aquarium, they also thrive on a varied diet, which includes flake food, fine granules, and white mosquito larvae, among others. This type of food is typically their favorite.
Mastacembelus albomaculatus lives mainly between rocks.
Feeding eels is a unique task. Eels typically do not snatch food quickly, so it is essential to feed them by hand, especially if you have other fish in your aquarium. If you acquired your eel from a fellow aquarist, it likely already knows how to feed by hand. However, if you purchased it from an aquarium shop, you may need to teach it to feed this way yourself.
Feeding eels separately is important because they can be quite shy when other fish are swimming around vigorously. If you don’t feed them separately, they may not get enough food, which is something we want to avoid.
Breeding Mastacembelus albomaculatus
This spiny eel lays its eggs in a hole or tight space on the glass where other fish cannot reach them.
John Ponsen
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