Moenkhausia copei
Moenkhausia Copei is a peaceful community fish. They can reach a length of about 6 to 7 centimetres. They are elongated in shape and have a red caudal and adipose fin. Sometimes the dorsal fin also shows some color but is usually transparent, like the belly, pectoral and anal fins.
This species was officially described by Steindachner in 1882.
Synonym: Tetragonopterus copei.
They are found in a large area in the Amazon and Rio Orinoco basin. Due to its wide distribution, some variations have arisen in the color and brightness of the color of this species. The photos below show the difference between a variety from Venezuela (brightly colored) and Peru, which is less brightly colored.
Moenkhausia copei seems to be a somewhat elongated version of the Moenkhausia colletti. The color is only redder in the copei and they also lack the shoulder patch. However, the males may show this spot during the spawning season. The difference is therefore best seen in the body shape.
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