Moenkhausia dichroura
Moenkhausia dichroura is a peaceful schooling fish that is not easy to keep as it has rather high demands on the water. Not too hard water and filtering over peat are necessary. Subdued lighting by means of floating plants and a dark bottom do better justice to the colours. According to certain sources, they occasionally attack soft plants, other sources say that plants are left alone. Since it is quite rare, little else is known about it.
This species was officially described by Kner in 1858.
Synonym: Tetragonopterus dichrourus.
You can find them in South America. They are found in a very large area in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Uganda and Venezuela.
They are omnivorous. Thus, sufficient variation can be ensured. Dry food is accepted as well.
Breeding Moenkhausia dichroura
I haven’t been able to find anything about breeding in the aquarium yet.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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Growth parameters estimates for a small fish of the Pantanal, Brazil: Moenkhausia dichroura (Characiformes; Characidae)