Nannostomus anduzei
Nannostomus anduzei is a peaceful, small schooling fish that should be kept together with other small fishes in a small aquarium. The aquarium should be planted densely on the sides and background with fine leaved plants. In the middle, you should leave very much free swimming space. A dimmed light by using floating plants and a dark substrate bring out the colours of the fish.
This species was first described in 1987 by Fernandez and Weitzman.
South America; Brazil, Venezuela.
You should give them small live food such as Artemia and fine crushed dry food.
Breeding Nannostomus anduzei
The breeding of Nannostomus anduzei is not easy. The eggs are laid and fertilized between fine-leaved plants. After spawning, the parents must be removed. After 3 days the eggs hatch. When the young fishes are swimming free you should give them fine infusoria and later baby brine shrimp.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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