Nannostomus beckfordi – Golden Pencilfish
The Golden Pencilfish or Nannostomus beckfordi was officially described in 1872 by Albert Günther. The name Nannostomus can be divided into two words. Nannus comes from Latin and means small. Stoma comes from ancient Greek and means mouth. A reference to the small mouths of the genus Nannostomus.
Over the years, the Nannostomus beckfordi has seen quite a few scientific names. Some synonyms are: Nannostomus anomalus, Nannostomus simplex, Nannostomus aripirangensis, Nannostomus aripiragensis, Nannostomus beckfordi surinami.
Both male and female Nannostomus beckfordi can grow to a length of approximately 6 to 6.5 centimeters. These fish have a slender body and a pointed snout. They are yellowish-brown in color, featuring a white belly. A prominent black stripe runs from the mouth to the tail, and males also have two red stripes. Their tail and fins are reddish as well. Additionally, males display a blue spot on their anal fin. In the evening, as darkness falls, these fish exhibit a camouflage coloration.
They are schooling fish that you should preferably keep with 10 pieces or more, the males are territorial. You can keep them together with other peaceful characins. It is a strong species that is peaceful towards other fish. They swim in the middle and upper water layers.
As soon as two males meet, they enter into a duel. The colors become brighter, and the fins stand out wide. Side by side, they press their heads together and their mouths open. Now, it is a matter of who is going to win. This spectacle can last for minutes and is one of the reasons why this is such a popular fish.
South America; Guyana, Rio Negro, Amazon
The aquarium
You will need a 60 cm aquarium for these fish. Set up the tank with a dark environment and dense planting, particularly fine-leaved and floating plants, along with a dark substrate. They enjoy some current in the water.
Water parameters
Temperatuur: 21 – 27 Celsius.
pH: 5.0 – 8.0
GH: 1 – 15
In nature, fish have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. Keeping fish at the minimum or maximum temperature for a long time is not always desirable and can shorten the average lifespan of the animals.
These Pencilfish like to eat small live food, especially fruit flies, mosquito larvae, artemia, and cyclops. They also accept dry food. Provide sufficient variety.
Breeding Nannostomus beckfordi – Golden Pencilfish
The Nannostomus beckfordi, within the Nannostomus family, is the easiest species to breed. To successfully breed them, use a breeding tank with very soft water and decorate it with fine-leaved plants, such as Java moss. Place marbles at the bottom of the tank to create spaces where the eggs can fall, preventing the parents from eating them. After the eggs are laid, use dim lighting in the tank. The eggs are relatively large, crystal clear, and will hatch in about five days.
To raise the young fish, feed them Cyclops and Artemia nauplii several times a day, and be sure to change the water regularly.
Coby – J. de Lange
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Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1872 (pt 1) (art. 5) (for 6 Feb. 1872)