Oryzias celebensis – Celebes Medaka
Oryzias celebensis or Celebes Medaka is a very peaceful schooling fish that should be kept together with other peaceful fishes of equal size. The aquarium should be planted densely on the sides and background. In the middle should be enough free swimming space. Some floating plants are appreciated.
This species was first described by Weber in 1894.
Synonyms: Haplochilus celebensis, Aplocheilus celebensis, Oryzias celebesensis.
Celebes, Indonesia.
Small live food should be given as food. Dry food is also accepted.
Breeding Oryzias celebensis
Breeding Celebes Medaka in not easy. The female carries the eggs some days near by the anal fin. After that they are attached to fine leaved plants. Because they eat their own eggs is is necessary to remove the parents.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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