Oryzias javanicus – Javanese Ricefish
Oryzias javanicus – Javanese Rice Fish is a small, peaceful schooling fish, which should be kept with at least 8-10 pieces. The aquarium should be densely planted at the edges and background. Some floating plants to dim the light and a sandy bottom are appreciated. Since these animals are also common in brackish water areas, it is recommended to add some salt.
This species was officially described in 1854 by Bleeker.
Synonym: Aplocheilus javanicus
The Javanese Rice Fish comes from South East Asia. They can be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Live or frozen food should be given as food. Dry food is occasionally accepted.
Breeding Oryzias javanicus – Javanese Rice Fish
Breeding the Oryzias javanicus – Javanese Rice Fish is not too difficult. The fertilized eggs are carried by the female for quite some time on the anal fin and then attached to fine-leaved plants. After 14 days the eggs hatch. They can be fed with the finest dust food. The young are left alone by the parents. They grow quite slowly, only after 6 months the gender difference can be established.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
Copyright images
Nonn Panitvong – Siamensis.org