Panaqolus maccus – Clown Panaque
Panaqolus maccus was officially described by Schaefer and Stewart in 1993. In the L-number system they were known at that time as numbers L104, L162 and LDA22. They are part of the family Loricariidae. This family has about 120 genera and 955 species.
The genus name maccus is derived from the word Panaque, in such a way that it should appear to be a smaller variant of that genus. This in turn is derived from the Latin maccus which means clown or harlekein.
Panaqolus maccus can reach a total length of about 10 centimeters. The color is dark brown with a few light brown vertical stripes on the body and caudal fin. The dorsal fin has a few vertical stripes.
Very young Panaqolus maccus have three dark stripes in the dorsal fin. This stripe pattern changes as they get a little older. Juveniles and adults have two dark stripes in the dorsal fin. The young are very dark in color and have five light vertical stripes. Older specimen become somewhat lighter and the number of stripes increases to seven or eight stripes.
The fish previously described under L104 have an almost straight stripe pattern. These fish come from the Rio Apure basin in the Ilanos further north and west. Those described under L162 have a more wild stripe pattern. These fish come from the Rio Orinoco River basin.
The difference between males and females can be seen in various ways. The males grow odontes around their gills, a kind of hair that sticks out from the sides. In females this part is almost smooth. The odontes also grow on their abdomen. If you look at the genital papillae in men, they are small and pointed. In females they are larger, rounder in shape and slightly swollen. Females ready to lay eggs are also much wider between the pectoral and pelvic fins when you view the fish from above.
Panaqolus maccus is a peaceful and often somewhat shy fish, which you can keep with fish of all sizes without any problems. During the day it usually hides, leaving its hiding place at dusk in search of food. He can become a bit pushy during feeding time.
You can keep this species alone or with a number of conspecifics: if you keep several specimens in the aquarium, a sufficiently large tank is necessary. Allow for approximately 60 liters per fish. Decorate the aquarium with lots of plants, driftwood and rocks, so there are plenty of hiding places.
South America: the Rio Orinoco basin, Venezuela.
This species absolutely needs driftwood in the aquarium: just like the other members of the genus Panaqolus (and also Panaque and Cochliodon): in addition to scraping off the organic layer that forms over time, this species also feeds on the wood itself, possibly to promote digestion. Since wood is not particularly nutritious, the Panaqolus maccus will consume large quantities and also produce a lot of waste.
In addition, this catfish will eat clean, washed and unsprayed vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, lettuce, spinach, yams, etc.) without too many problems, as well as algae tablets, bloodworms, shrimp and other meaty foods.
The Aquarium
This beautifully drawn, small catfish prefers a dimly lit aquarium with many hiding places, in the form of plants, driftwood, rocks, and/or artificial caves. To keep several specimens of this species, or to keep this species together with other bottom dwellers, an aquarium of 80×40 centimeters is required, as the species can be quite territorial. In the absence of suitable hiding places, the Clown Panaque can behave quite aggressively towards other bottom dwellers. If it is the only bottom dweller in the aquarium, an aquarium of 60×30 centimeters is sufficient. Juveniles can be kept temporarily in smaller aquariums without any problems, as long as there are sufficient hiding places.
This species does best in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water, rich in oxygen and with a lot of current, but can also adapt to conditions less similar to those found in the wild. A strong filter is important, as this fish produces a lot of waste given its protein-rich diet.
Breeding Panaqolus maccus – Clown Panaque
To get the Panaqolus maccus to spawn, a period is needed in which the dry period is simulated. The water is a bit warmer at about 27 degrees Celsius and a slightly higher pH of 7.5. Maintain these values for about two months. Feed them well towards the end of the period with live or frozen food.
Give the fish enough breeding caves that the slightly larger female can just fit into. The male will fan the eggs and block the entrance with his body for other fish.
To induce the spawn, add an air stone to get more oxygen into the water. Change 20% of the water every day and lower the temperature to 21 to 22 degrees Celsius. Also lower the pH slightly to 6.5 to 7.0. This simulates the rainy season in which the water temperature drops slightly and becomes softer. After about four days you can increase the temperature slightly. If they have not laid eggs after about four weeks, you can repeat the whole process until they spawn.
When the female lays the eggs in the cave, they are fertilized by the male. The male takes care of the breeding. He fans the eggs and guards the cave until the eggs have hatched. After hatching, the young Panaqolus maccus look for their own food.
A number of different species are commercially offered under the name Clown Panaque or Peckoltia vittata. Very few of these are the real Panaque maccus. Most of the specimens offered have been imported from areas other than where the real Clown Panaque is found: these Armored Catfish are known as Panaque sp. aff. maccus, or LDA67.
Jonas Hansel – (original website no longer online)
John de Lange
Copyright images
Gert Jan van Beek
References – COTM-11-2001