Paraneetroplus bulleri – Sarabia Cichlid
Paraneetroplus bulleri is a lively species that needs a lot of space. The aquarium must be decorated with rocks so that shelters are created and territories can be arranged. Plants can also be used. A powerful filtering that ensures a strong water movement is highly appreciated.
This species was first described in 1905 by Regan.
Synonym: Cichlasoma bulleri.
South Mexico.
You can feed them shrimp-like species like brine shrimp and Mysis. Make sure to feed them vegetable matter as well.
Breeding Paraneetroplus bulleri
Breeding Paraneetroplus bulleri is not that simple because it only works with a well-matched pair. It is therefore best to purchase 6-8 juveniles and let them form a pair by themselves. The eggs are deposited and fertilized on a flat stone. After hatching, the larvae are housed in crevices and breeding pits between the stones. The fry are quite sensitive to contamination and fluctuations in temperature. Water will have to be refreshed regularly. They can be raised with newly hatched brine shrimp.
Jan Bukkems – Aquavisie
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Jeff Rapps –