Paraneetroplus synspilus
Paraneetroplus synspilus can reach a length of about 30 centimeters, depending on the location, up to 43 centimeters; females remain slightly smaller than males. This fish has an extensive distribution area and different color variants. The males can sometimes develop a forehead hump. They are real eye-catchers in the aquarium.
Vieja synspillum, Vieja synspila, Cichlasoma hicklingi, Cichlasoma synspilum, Cichlaurus hicklingi, Paraneetroplus synspilus.
This species has come a long way in nomenclature. In the following scientific description, it is proposed to merge Vieja synspila and Paratheraps melanurus into one species: Paratheraps melanurus: . In another paper, this is reversed. There will be a lengthy discussion before the species in this family are put in their rightful place.
San Pedro de Martir, Rio Usumacinta, Guatemala, Mexico, Belize.
The Aquarium
For these fish an aquarium is needed of at least 2 meters long, 50 cm. wide and 50 cm. high. Furnish the aquarium with various pebbles, boulders and driftwood, so that there are sufficient hiding places. Plants are used as food, the substrate must consist of sand. It is advisable to change the water regularly.
Water parameters
Temperatuur: 24-28 degrees Celsius.
PH: 7-7,5
GH: 8-12
Paratheraps melanurus needs high-fiber food; both live and frozen food can be given, such as mysis, krill, shrimp, and mussels, and green food, such as spirulina, cucumber, and lettuce, should also be provided.
It is a peaceful fish; they will form and defend a territory during the breeding season. They can be kept well together with other large cichlids from Central America.
Breeding Paraneetroplus synspilus
Breeding requires a lot of patience, it is best to start with a group of 6 young fish from which a good couple forms. The eggs are laid and fertilized on a clean, polished stone. After 3 days, they hatch, and after a week, the young swim around freely. The young can be raised with dust food or artemia-nauplii, and they are cared for by their parents for quite a long time.
Copyright images
John de Lange
Linda de Jong