Parapercis queenslandica – Blacktail Grubfish
Blacktail Grubfish have a large black spot on their tail fin. This species lives in the tropical waters of Queensland and New Caledonia.
This species was described in 2007 by Dr. Hiroshi Imamura and Tatsuya Yoshino. It was previously misidentified as Parapercis hexophtalma, which occurs in the Indian Ocean.
Parapercis queenslandica can be recognized by the large black spot on their caudal fin. There are black spots on the top of the body and a series of whitish rectangular areas on the sides of the body. There is a small black dot in the center of the white rectangle. They grow to a maximum of about 25 centimeters in length.
Blacktail Grubfish are usually found on the slopes of outer reefs and in the shallow waters of lagoons. They are commonly found on sand and rocks at depths of 2 to 29 meters. They inhabit the tropical waters of Queensland and New Caledonia.
John de Lange
Copyright images
Doug Anderson