Sinibotia robusta
Sinibotia robusta has vertical black bands across its body from behind the head to the tail. On the head itself are horizontal stripes and the fins are transparent in color. The base color of this fish is golden yellow.
This elegant looking fish has a golden yellow base color with vertical black bands. On the head it has horizontal stripes, and the fins have a transparent yellow color.
The fish reach a maximum length of 18 centimetres in the aquarium.
Botia robusta, Botia hexafurca
The Aquarium
Because these fish can grow quite large, a large aquarium is necessary. Think of at least 1.40 meters. Provide sufficient hiding places. Especially if multiple males are kept in one aquarium. More explanation about this in character. These hiding places can be created by stones, driftwood and dense planting. In addition, keep sufficient swimming space for the fish.
The fish need sufficient oxygen so make sure you have a powerful filter that pumps this oxygen around. Also, make sure you refresh the water regularly. In the winter it is possible to reduce the temperature to 18 degrees Celsius.
Sinibotia robusta can be kept well together with other fish. Be careful with small fish. They can be mistaken for food. They can also bite the fins of other fish. Because the males form territories, they will also protect them well. Males can therefore react quite aggressively to each other. If there are not enough hiding places, the males will constantly chase each other. The fish like to live in groups.
The fish benefit greatly from live food but dry food is also accepted. In addition to this food, they also like to eat snails.
Breeding Sinibotia robusta
Nothing is known yet about breeding Sinibotia robusta in the aquarium.
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