Sphaeramia orbicularis
Sphaeramia orbicularis was described in 1828 by G. Cuvier. It is a species that is not kept much. This genus also contains the somewhat more colorful Sphaeramia nematoptera – Pajama Cardinal that is frequently kept in the hobby. These are also the only two species in this genus.
Sphaeramia orbicularis can reach a length of around 10 centimeters. They are colored gray with a vertical pale black line on their side. They have pale black spots that are small in front of the black stripe, behind the stripe they are much larger, almost as large as their pupil. The eyes are large because they are nocturnal animals that only come out from the corals in the twilight in search of food. During the day they hide in the dark cracks and crevices.
John de Lange
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