Toxotes jaculatrix was first described by Pallas in 1767. Their common name is Banded Archerfish.
Synonyms: Sciaena jaculatrix, Toxotes jaculator.
Southeast Asia, the Northern Territory of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
The Banded Archerfish has a compressed body with a large anal fin. The fish has small pectoral fins, large eyes and a pointed head with a large mouth. The body is silver with six or seven vertical black stripes along the side. The Banded Archerfish can spit a stream of water droplets at an insect that has landed on vegetation overhanging the water, causing the insect to fall into the water and be eaten. The fish produces the stream of droplets by pressing its tongue against the roof of its mouth and at the same time rapidly closing its gills. The accuracy of the Banded Archerfish is even more remarkable because it is underwater, and must therefore compensate for the refraction of light.
The fish also has the ability to jump out of the water to eat an insect from its branch. In Papua New Guinea, the Banded Archerfish is known to eat fruit, but elsewhere its diet consists of insects. Because the Archerfish often swims in schools, they regularly eat insects that another Archerfish has dropped into the water. They can grow to a maximum length of about 30 centimeters.
Fresh, brackish and marine water, they are able to live in very diverse habitats. Of course, these fish prefer pieces of water with overhanging vegetation. If you want to keep the fish healthy you will really have to keep them in brackish water, they can’t really have fresh water for long.
The reproduction of the Toxotes jaculatrix – Archerfish takes place early in the wet season. The archerfish then gather in large schools in places with fresh water. The female produces large numbers of very small eggs that are then fertilized by the male.
These fish are omnivores, but must at least have insects.
Water parameters
Temperature: 25 – 30°C
Hardness: few requirements
pH: few requirements
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J. de Lange