Trichopsis schalleri
The middle member of the gourami family is characterized by its size and appearance, which positions it between the larger Trichopsis vittata and the smaller Trichopsis pumila. This fish has a light beige base color that becomes darker along the back, featuring two dark brown stripes that extend from its head to its tail. Its flanks are adorned with green iridescent dots, and it has a striking red rim around its bright blue eyes.
Measuring 5 to 6 cm in length, it fits perfectly between the sizes of the pumila and the vittata. Additionally, it has a slightly longer anal fin and a more pointed tail fin compared to the pumila, although these features are not as pronounced as they are in the vittata.
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand.
The Aquarium
This fish is a true gourami, so set up the aquarium accordingly. Include lots of plants, especially floating ones, a dark substrate, and minimal water current. They also appreciate pieces of wood to create hiding spots.
This grunting gourami makes distinct grunting and clicking sounds during courtship and displays aggression. It is a peaceful fish that will defend itself if necessary.
Breeding is very similar to that of Trichopsis pumila. Lower the water level to 15 cm and the temperature to 27 degrees Celsius. The male will build a bubble nest under a leaf or other shelter, and together with the female, they will lay eggs in it. After spawning, remove the female to allow the male to care for the nest alone. You can also catch the male and feed him with infusoria to ensure a healthy environment for the eggs.
NOTE: Do not keep this gourami together with the vittata and pumila because they can both crossbreed with the schalleri but not with each other.
Copyright images
Trichopsis schalleri van Bedo – CC BY-SA 4.0