Yaoshania pachychilus – Panda Loach

Yaoshania pachychilus or Panda Loach remains small with a maximum of 5-6 cm and is beautifully drawn in black and white. The species should be kept in a small group and has specific requirements for the aquarium. It absolutely needs a hillstream tank, a bottom of stones, clean and oxygenated water, a strong current and a lot of light to grow the algae and the organisms that the species lives on.


Yaoshania pachychilus – Panda Loach

Yaoshania Pachychilus was first found by Chen in 1980 and was named after Dayaoshan, the mountain where the species was discovered. The species has only been available in the aquarium hobby since 2009. The species belongs to the Hillstream Loach family (Balitoridae). Their common name is Panda Loach.

Synonym: Protomyzon pachychilus


The most remarkable thing about this species of Hilstream Loach is the print that the young have. This striking black and white print gives the species its colloquial name; Panda Loach. Each copy has a unique print. As the fish ages, the black and white pattern fades and is replaced by a less spectacular brown and white print. This is also unique to each fish.

The fish have a shape that is characteristic of hillstream loaches. Their morphology is adapted to life in fast-flowing rivers and streams, similar to Sewellia and Beaufortia species. The panda loach’s pectoral fins are designed to rest on a stone in fast-flowing water.

Yaoshania pachychilus is a group fish and can be kept in aquariums in groups of 4 or more. They are peaceful fish, but will compete with each other about where to find the most food. The species grows to 5 to 6 centimeters in size. The males remain slightly smaller and slightly slimmer than the females.


Yaoshania pachychilus is only found in a few streams on the Dayaoshan in South China. At the moment there are only 3 known sites, all of which are above an altitude of 500 meters. The water in these streams is crystal clear and the oxygen content is very high. The current changes with the seasons and the water level is usually no higher than 50 centimetres. Due to the fast-flowing water, there is little sand or vegetation in their habitat, which mainly consists of stones and boulders in various sizes.

The climate on the Dayaoshan is subtropical and the temperatures do not fall below 15 degrees Celsius. The fish tolerate very high temperatures in summer, but a constant high oxygen content is very important.


Very important for the fish is the presence of a layer of biofilm, which they like to eat off the stones. This layer, together with soft algae, makes up the bulk of the fish’s diet.

In the aquarium, many of them also eat dry food and frozen food. Be careful with feeding mosquito larvae and similar food. The fish are not made to consume a lot of protein over a long period of time.

Yaoshania pachychilus - Panda Loach - Adult
Yaoshania pachychilus – Panda Loach – Adult

The Aquarium

To house a group of Yaoshania pachychilus you need an aquarium with a bottom surface of at least 60 x 30 centimeters. The height of the aquarium is less important, but higher than 50 centimeters is not recommended. A hillstream set-up with a flow rate of 15 to 20x the content of the aquarium is necessary to provide water with sufficient oxygen. The fish are not made for a high nitrate and phosphate content, so regular water changes are recommended. Apart from the fact that the aquarium water must be clean and rich in oxygen, the Panda Loach does not make high demands on the water values, because these can fluctuate greatly in the fish’s natural habitat, depending on the season.

In the wild, this species co-occurs with Vanmanenia pingchowensis and Erromyzon sinensis. In the aquarium, the species can be kept together with other peaceful fish that can tolerate a similar current.

Breeding aquarium and conditioning

Little is known about the breeding of this species. In general, it is not a species that can be bred commercially.

The breeding is probably promoted when the temperature in the aquarium drops to around 15 degrees Celsius for a period of time and then rises again. The fish lay their eggs under a stone. They presumably dig a hole for this, in which they lay the eggs.



Pascal Fernhout-Klomp

Copyright images

John S.
Ben Lee – Amiidae.com



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Additional information






Protomyzon pachychilus

Common name

Panda Loach

First described by

Yi-Yu Chen


Social behaviour

Breeding behaviour







Minimum length


Length maximum


Temperature minimum
Temperature maximum


pH minimum


pH maximum


GH minimum


GH max