The hybrid low-tech planted aquarium uses wood pellets for CO2 and chemical fertilization, blending Walstad and high-tech methods.
David Bogert
15.9. High Tech Planted Aquariums
I define a “high tech planted aquarium” as an aquarium with CO2 gas injection to at least 20 ppm and high intensity LED lighting with blue and crimson components (“grow lights”).
15.8. Walstad Aquarium
The Walstad Method, created by Diana Walstad, offers a natural approach to setting up a planted aquarium. It emphasizes a balanced ecosystem where plants and fish support each other, requiring minimal maintenance. This method uses organic soil and gravel, eliminating the need for CO2 injection and frequent water changes.
15.7. Substrates for the Planted Aquarium
Most aquarium plants grow in pretty much any aquarium substrate! Mother Nature is just very forgiving.
15.6.4. CO2 From Food in the Aquarium
CO2 From Food in the Aquarium is one “interesting” approach to providing carbon dioxide to the aquarium. ote I do NOT recommend this method. It is challenging, to say the least.
15.6.3. High Tech CO2 Systems
Most high-tech planted aquariums use a high-tech CO2 injection system. These systems are prone to failures and doing it cheap can get you in trouble.
15.6.2. KH pH CO2 Relationships in the Aquarium
KH pH CO2 Relationships in the Aquarium is called the “Bermuda Triangle” of aquarium chemistry with good reason. It is very complex and making simplistic assumptions about it can easily lead one astray and kill fish.
15.6. Carbon Dioxide and Plants in the Aquarium
Carbon Dioxide and Plants in the Aquarium: Unless one has some very easy aquarium plants (Anubias, Amazon sword, Java fern, Java moss) a planted aquarium needs a source of carbon dioxide.
15.5.7. DIY Fertilizers
Some hobbyists with planted aquariums want to use the same type of fertilization program an expensive commercial aquarium fertilizer will provide, but at a much lower cost. This article tells on how to make a do-it-yourself fertilizer which is MUCH cheaper.
15.5.6. Fish Food Fertilizer
Adding a “natural” fertilizer like extra fish food is not a good idea if there is little biofiltration together with fish in the aquarium. The “natural” fertilizer produces dissolved organic compounds which feed heterotrophic bacteria.