Fertilizer Programs

15.5.2. Fertilizer Programs

There are several planted aquarium commercial fertilizer “lines” of several products, all designed to be used together in a “program”. Easily 80% of the “fertilizers” in “programs” are pure unadulterated snake oil designed solely to get you to part with sizable chunks of money.

Ready-Made Fertilizers

15.5.1. Ready Made Fertilizers

Ready Made Fertilizers: The easiest approach to planted aquarium fertilizing is to simply use Aquarium Co-Op Easy Green™ per the instructions on the container. Easy. Simple. Reasonably effective but expensive. 

Cycling a Planted Aquarium

2.15. Cycling a Planted Aquarium

Cycling a planted aquarium is tricky. If the plants start growing from the get-go the plants can absorb the ammonia before the beneficial bacteria can get to it.

Aquarium Fertilizing

15.5. Aquarium Fertilizing

Aquarium Fertilizing can be done in several ways. This article explains a couple of aquarium fertilisation methods.

Types of Planted Aquariums

15.4. Types of Planted Aquariums

There are many types of planted aquariums! Many of the successful planted aquariums in the world are very simple affairs without carbon dioxide additions and pretty much ANY combination of substrates, plants, aeration and filtration.

Planted Aquariums in Depth

15.1. Planted Aquariums in Depth

Planted Aquariums in Depth – Recommendations for a Planted Aquarium. There are as many good ways to set up a planted aquarium as there are good ways to set up a fish only aquarium. But surprisingly plants are more difficult than fish are.

Planted Aquariums

15. Planted Aquariums

There are as many types of planted aquariums as there are hobbyists with planted aquariums. Each tank is different. But there are six broad categories of tanks.

Aquarium Aesthetics

14.15. Aquarium Aesthetics

Aquarium Aesthetics: This is another one of those subjects which are just opinions. What I going to tell you here-in is just what appeals to my sense of aesthetics.



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